Exlanta Co Hong Kong Office Lockhart 160-174 Road, Wan Chai,Hong Kong
Phone:+852 2137 9700
Fax:+852 2882 4450
Cellular: +852 55 33 22 39
Exlanta Co Hong Kong Office Lockhart 160-174 Road, Wan Chai,Hong Kong
Phone:+852 2137 9700
Fax:+852 2882 4450
Cellular: +852 55 33 22 39

Exlanta Co. Hong Kong
Exlanta Co. offers technical and business consulting in critical industrial issues, develops business intelligence, introduces breakthrough products, protects intellectual Property Rights and industrial manufacturing efficiency for its clients world-wide. Over the years, Exlanta Co. has developed many technologies which have grown into businesses in their own right.